Wellness: What is it and How do you Get it?

When it comes to any area of health as a society we seem to go through phases of trendy ideas and buzzwords.  One of the latest trends in wellness.  But what does that mean?  Are we talking physical health, are we talking mental health, what falls under that term?   The good news is wellness covers many areas, physical health, mental health, financial, social, environmental and spiritual .  The World Health Organization defines it as: 

“Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” 

It is a process of becoming aware of and making healthy choices  that will lead to better health and more fulfilling lives.   It is awareness and education, which is a movement we are seeing with groups like Black Lives Matter, Stolen Sisters and #Me Too.  People are starting to share their stories to educate people on the ugly things that are making us very unwell.   

The nice thing about the trend for wellness is the focus is so broad ranged.  If we each choose one area and do a little thing towards it, we can achieve a wellness.  This trend doesn't require poster boards, protests or other people really.  This trend is personal.  It is about how you want to connect to the world you live in.  There is not a 30 day challenge or pledge to make.  It really is as simple as making the choice to change small things in your life to create a more fulfilling experience for yourself.  As the saying goes, how do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.  How do you live a meaningful, healthy life, one change at a time.  Determine where you want to start and create a plan to make that one change.  Execute your plan and you move closer to the life and world you desire.